Mr. Harvey gets so many details totally wrong, it's clear he did no research for this article.
1. Jacob Blake wasn't shot during a traffic stop, he was shot while resisting arrest for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault.
2. "[Rosenbaum, Huber, Grosskreutz] took to the streets to protest what they perceived as the injustice of Blake’s shooter facing no criminal charges." That's just speculation. Why does Harvey even bother saying "perceived"?
3. "One of the witnesses called by your own defense team described you as a “blabbering idiot.” Jason Lackowski, a witness for the defense, described *Rosenbaum* as a "babbling idiot" — *not* Rittenhouse. Harvey gets the story completely backwards. Ironically, the error is immediately followed by Harvey preening, "I’m in no position to pass judgement on your intellectual capabilities, but it’s clear you’re profoundly ignorant."
4. "Study the history of civil disobedience - the very type of direct protest that you sought to quelch..." The problem with this is that the event was not "civil disobedience," it was more like a riot. Also, Rittenhouse is on record supporting the right to protest, and there is no evidence he squelched protest. He squelched fires set by arsonists.
5. "...if you had been a Black man recklessly firing a semi-automatic rifle in a crowded street..." Rittenhouse didn't fire recklessly. Each individual he shot was attacking him. If a Black man uses lethal force in self-defense he should also be acquitted. Injustice for Rittenhouse doesn't magically create justice for the hypothetical Black man in Harvey's example who also claims self-defense. That's insane. Also, the very same day, Andrew Coffee IV, a Black man charged with second-degree murder of his 21-year-old girlfriend and three counts of attempted murder of law enforcement, was found not guilty on those charges.
6. "...would you have been gunned down in the street by the same cops who served you water after you killed Rosenbaum and Huber?" Rittenhouse was not served water by the police after he killed Rosenbaum and Huber. The cops had tossed them some water bottles earlier in the evening.
The jury unanimously agreed that the shootings were all in self-defense.
They rejected the prosecutor's argument that Rittenhouse was behaving provocatively.
That's the conclusion that many people who actually informed themselves by watching the trial came to, as well.
And finally, it turns out Rittenhouse is a BLM supporter. Bet you weren't expecting that. He is able to make a distinction between constitutionally protected protest, and looting, vandalism and arson. It would be good if everyone were able to do that.