Unfortunately, there are problems with anti-racism that re-branding and re-framing can't solve.
Democratic idealism, economic equality, voting rights and the rest of the ideas Wise lists are wonderful, and definitely should be pursued.
Those are all inclusive, because 99% of us would benefit from them.
In contrast, anti-racism is divisive. It pits races against each other. For that reason, anti-racism, race consciousness and identity politics is popular with the 1%. If we weren't at each other's throats about race (and sex, and sexual orientation, and gender, etc.) we might notice what we have in common, and they definitely don't want that. This is why neo-liberal Democrats and the mainstream media promote race consciousness. (Also, of course, because they think race + demographics is a winning electoral strategy, so posing as champions of racial diversity is an obvious choice. There are signs, though, that at least in the Latino population that theory is falling apart, with disastrous consequences.)
Anti-racism may foment antagonism and eek out some symbolic victories, but as soon as it expresses an actionable plan to address economic inequality, it will be destroyed by the same forces that today are using it for political gain.
The thing is, you can't realistically address most of those fairness issues (housing, food, healthcare, employment, education, etc.) without spending some money.
The alliance between the woke and the Dems is that the Dems will cater to woke demands as long as they are not ones that would fundamentally change anything economically. You get a black VP and Sec. of Defense, for example, but not policy changes and spending that would actually improve the lives of black Americans.
Anti-racism ensures that racial divisions make it impossible to organize a broad-based response to economic inequality, which means things will stay as they are for the foreseeable future. The goal of racial equality is surely a worthy one, but anti-racism is a counter-productive ideology and strategy.
I don't think this is going to change any time soon. Anti-racism (specifically CRT in schools) and other manifestations of wokeness will be a contributing factor to the Democrats' humiliating defeat in the 2022 midterms. That will be followed by two years of legislative stasis, a powerless president, an increasingly vituperative media, basically, a country adrift. That sets the stage for another Trump candidacy, or someone like him, in 2024.
Maybe, though, the day after that loss in November, 2022, we'll have another opportunity to reconsider the wisdom of pursuing a racially divisive ideology, and the incalculable cost we will be paying for at least a generation.